Kirtis VersePhilosophy on women
Kirtis VersePhilosophy on women

Philosophy on women

This is very huge subject,but i am trying to covered all the aeria of women,s life in india .i dont know very much about foreign women,s philosophy. i am an indianian women ,who is a town girl and in her views about women,s life may be differ from other states,yet i will try to justify to their philosophy .before starting the discussion we should understand what is philosophy ,”a set of beliefs that tries to explain the meaning of life or gives rules about how to behave ” .understanding the core values of womens life we should know all about their sets of beliefs.

how many sets of belifes in indian women about theris life?

India is very vast country and their life style of ladies are different from reigion to reigion.And their thought process were designed by there culture and region and their basic indian women follows the rule of their ancestors ,in modern time thing are going to be change but they are not not so flexbile to adopt the modernism.They are also try to be change because of the today needs, yet it takes time any society people behaviours are decided by to their current situations.

In ancient time womens conditions ae more better than middle ancient time this people are used ti says in sanskrith language “yatra naryastu pujante ramante tatra deveta” means “where there ladies are worshiiped there is stays God ‘ women were often revered as Goddesses and play important roles in mythology and religion.

. And in the middle age female are like their thing to be used ,in this era womens are irrespect in the society. And in modern time women are respected some places and some places are not.personally i think that who is independent in the society people gave respect them.

A n women exists in any post because of their philosophy ,where we stand in future it decides that what was her philosophy or view on life.